Logistics Consulting Services
Looking for Logistics Consulting Services in Canada?
We provide tools and techniques of the best logistics practices to help you develop and implement an efficient logistics strategy.
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Logistics Consulting services
Optimize your shipping and save money
Evaluating transportation strategies
We organize transportation (roles and responsibilities), evaluate optimization tools, develop transportation procedures, optimize transportation capacity, minimize empty moves. We also develop reverse logistics optimization strategies, establish performance indicators and monitor transport operations.
Optimizing the use of a private delivery fleet
We optimize delivery routes to reduce travel, costs, hours and potentially equipment.
Identification of the best 3PL partner
The search for business partners requires an exhaustive study and work. By choosing the right partner, you will be able to concentrate on your core business while ensuring the continuity of your operations.
We assist you in identifying and selecting the right 3PL partner, recommending the best warehouse solution for your needs.
- Preliminary selection of 3PL’s applicable to your industry
- Specifications created based on your business needs
- Creation of a decision matrix
- Partner selection and relationship management
Assigning logistics consultants on a full-time or part-time basis.
Our consultants will take part in the analysis, supervision and implementation of project components. As part of the team they will carry out tasks ensuring the quality of the deliverables.
We implement the best practices and train your teams
Change management
We plan and implement change, manage the transition, refocus or crystallize change. At MLH, we contribute to team building, assigning roles, activities and performance indicators for teams and individuals.
Workforce Skills Assessment
We specialize in reviewing roles and responsibilities, communication processes, identifying conflicts and sub-optimization, assessing skills and positioning, developing training needs.
Monitoring and coaching
At MLH, we set coaching objectives, establish a follow-up procedure, document the processes, develop job descriptions and candidate selection process.

Why Choose Us:
We are a trusted logistics company in Canada with over 20 years of experience in the logistics industry. We have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing you with the best possible service. We are also committed to providing you with competitive rates and custom logistics solutions to meet your specific needs.
To learn more about our Logistics Consulting services:
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Make Logistics Happen
Email: info@makelogisticshappen.com